Herbert of Cherbury — Herbert of Cherbury, Edward … Philosophy dictionary
Herbert von Cherbury — Edward Herbert, Portrait v. Isaac Oliver Edward Herbert, Baronet Herbert of Cherbury (* 3. März 1583; † 20. August 1648) war ein britischer Soldat, Diplomat, Historiker, Dichter und Religionsphilosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Herbert of Cherbury (Lord) and the Cambridge Platonists — Lord Herbert of Cherbury and the Cambridge Platonists Sarah Hutton The philosophy of Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1582/3–1648) and of the Cambridge Platonists exemplifies the continuities of seventeenth century thought with Renaissance philosophy.… … History of philosophy
Herbert, Edward (Lord Herbert of Cherbury) — (1583–1648) Philosopher. Herbert was born into an aristocratic English family and was an older brother of the poet George herbert. He was appointed an ambassador to France in 1619 and, while there, he published De Veritate, an attack on … Who’s Who in Christianity
Herbert of Cherbury — soprannome di Herbert, Edward … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Herbert, of Cherbury, Edward, 1st lord — (1583 1648) Philosopher and historian, was the eldest s. of Richard H., of Montgomery Castle, and was b. there or at Eyton, Shropshire. He was at Oxf., and while there, at the age of 16, he m. a kinswoman four years his senior, the dau. of Sir … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Herbert of Cherbury, Edward — (1583–1648) Herbert is remembered as a target of Locke s attack on innate ideas (Essay, Bk. i. 3, 15). He held that notitae communes or common notions can be seen to be true by unaided and innate reason, granted to us by divine providence.… … Philosophy dictionary
Edward Herbert de Cherbury — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Edward Herbert, retrato pintado por Isaac Oliver (1560–1617). Edward Herbert, primer barón Herbert de Cherbury (3 de marzo de 1583 – 20 de agosto de … Wikipedia Español
Edward Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Cherbury — (March 3, 1583 ndash; August 20, 1648) was a British soldier, diplomat, historian, poet and religious philosopher.LifeHe was the eldest son of Richard Herbert of Montgomery Castle (a member of a collateral branch of the family of the Earls of… … Wikipedia
Чербери, Херберт Чербери (Herbert of Cherbury) Эдуард — (1583—1648), лорд, английский религиозный философ и политический деятель, основоположник английского деизма. В 1619—24 посол во Франции. Отстаивал идею «естественной религии», источник которой усматривал в естественном разуме. Основное… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь