

Both, Andreas und Johann, 2 berühmte Maler aus Utrecht, Andreas geb. 1609, Johann 1610, erhielten den ersten Unterricht bei ihrem Vater, einem Glasmaler, gingen später nach Rom, wo sich Andreas zur Portraitmalerei, Johann zur Landschaftsmalerei entschied; sie arbeiteten indeß viel gemeinschaftlich, Andreas die Figuren in seines Bruders Landschaften. Andreas ertrank 1650 in Venedig, Johann, darüber untröstlich, ging in die Heimath und st. im gleichen Jahre.

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  • both — 1. general. Both, when modifying a single item, refers to two things or persons (both houses / both women); when, as both…and…, it couples two items, each of these may be singular (both the woman and the man) or plural (both the women and the… …   Modern English usage

  • both — [ bouθ ] function word, quantifier *** Both can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun, but not by a pronoun): Both children are at school. as a predeterminer (followed by a word such as the, this, his, etc.): I like… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Both — Both, a. or pron. [OE. bothe, ba?e, fr. Icel. b[=a]?ir; akin to Dan. baade, Sw. b[*a]da, Goth. baj??s, OHG. beid?, b?d?, G. & D. beide, also AS. begen, b[=a], b?, Goth. bai, and Gr. ?, L. ambo, Lith. ab[ a], OSlav. oba, Skr. ubha. [root]310. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Both — ist der Name eines mecklenburgischen Uradelsgeschlechtes, siehe Both (Adelsgeschlecht) Both ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Andries Both (1612/1613–1641), holländischer Maler Carl Friedrich von Both (1789–1875), deutscher Jurist und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Both — Both, conj. As well; not only; equally. [1913 Webster] Note: Both precedes the first of two co[ o]rdinate words or phrases, and is followed by and before the other, both . . . and . . .; as well the one as the other; not only this, but also that; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • both — [bōth] adj., pron. [ME bothe < OE ba tha, both these < ba, fem. nom. & acc. of begen, both + tha, nom. & acc. pl. of se, that, the: akin to ON bathir, OS bethia, MDu bede, Ger beide: see AMBI ] the two; the one and the other [both birds… …   English World dictionary

  • both — there are several theories, all similar, and deriving the word from the tendency to say both the. One is that it is O.E. begen (masc.) both (from P.Gmc. *ba, from PIE *bho both ) + þ extended base. Another traces it to the P.Gmc. formula… …   Etymology dictionary

  • both — ► PREDETERMINER , DETERMINER , & PRONOUN ▪ two people or things, regarded and identified together. ► ADVERB ▪ applying equally to each of two alternatives. ● have it both ways Cf. ↑have it both ways USAGE When both is …   English terms dictionary

  • both´er|er — both|er «BOTH uhr», noun, verb, interjection. –n. 1. much fuss or worry about small matters; trouble: »What a lot of bother about nothing! SYNONYM(S): disturbance. 2. a person or thing that causes worry, fuss, or trouble: »A door that will not… …   Useful english dictionary

  • both|er — «BOTH uhr», noun, verb, interjection. –n. 1. much fuss or worry about small matters; trouble: »What a lot of bother about nothing! SYNONYM(S): disturbance. 2. a person or thing that causes worry, fuss, or trouble: »A door that will not shut is a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Both [1] — Both, 1) ein Bündel Flachs; 2) Weinmaß, so v.w. Bota …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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