

Coupons (frz. Kupongs), Zins-C., die dem auf den Inhaber lautenden Schuldscheine eines Staates oder einer Actiengesellschaft beigedruckten Hebungsscheine oder Quittungen, welche bei der Erhebung der Zinse jedesmal ausgeschnitten werden.

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Coupons — (fr., spr. Kupong), 1) Zettel, die von einem Ganzen abgeschnitten werden; 2) Interessenscheine, s. Zinscoupons; 3) abgeschnittene Stücken Ellenwaaren; 4) gewisse Stücken Batist, Leinwand etc …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • coupons — Interest and dividend certificates; also those parts of a commercial instrument which are to be cut, and which are evidence of something connected with the contract mentioned in the instrument. They are generally attached to certificates of loan …   Black's law dictionary

  • coupons — Interest and dividend certificates; also those parts of a commercial instrument which are to be cut, and which are evidence of something connected with the contract mentioned in the instrument. They are generally attached to certificates of loan …   Black's law dictionary

  • — was founded in 1998[1] and is a privately held firm based in Mountain View, CA. Incorporated has digital coupons, including online printable, social, mobile and loyalty card promotions. For decades, the Sunday newspaper has been the… …   Wikipedia

  • coupons-réponse — ● coupon réponse, coupons réponse nom masculin Imprimé à valeur fiduciaire destiné à payer aux correspondants étrangers le port d une lettre ordinaire. Partie d une annonce publicitaire que le lecteur peut découper et retourner dûment complétée,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • coupons — ➡ advertising * * * …   Universalium

  • coupons — Las Vegas Lingo Redeemable for nearly everything from a free meal to a free pull on a slot machine. (Ask the hotel whether it has a coupon book.) …   English dialects glossary

  • coupons — cou·pon || kuːpÉ’n n. printed form that entitles the bearer to certain rights (as in a discount) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • COUPONS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • trading stamps and coupons — A comprehensive term for any type of tickets, certificates, or order blanks that can be offered in exchange for money or something of value, or for a reduction in price when a particular item is purchased. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of… …   Law dictionary

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