

Circumspect, umsichtig; Circumspection, Umsicht; Circumspiciren, umsehen.

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  • circumspect — CIRCUMSPÉCT, Ă, circumspecţi, te, adj. (livr.) Care vorbeşte şi acţionează cu prudenţă, cu rezervă; care trădează, exprimă prudenţă; precaut, prudent, rezervat. – Din lat. circumspectus, fr. circonspect. Trimis de hai, 12.08.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  …   Dicționar Român

  • Circumspect — Cir cum*spect, a. [L. circumspectus, p. p. of circumspicere to look about one s self, to observe; circum + spicere, specere, to look. See {Spy}.] Attentive to all the circumstances of a case or the probable consequences of an action; cautious;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • circumspect — I adjective alert, assiduous, astute, attending, attentive, careful, cautious, cautus, chary, circumspective, cognizant, conscientious, conscious, considerate, contemplative, deliberate, deliberative, diligent, discerning, discreet, discretionary …   Law dictionary

  • circumspect — (adj.) early 15c., from L. circumspectus deliberate, well considered, pp. of circumspicere look around, take heed, from circum around (see CIRCUM (Cf. circum )) + specere to look (see SCOPE (Cf. scope) (1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • circumspect — adj *cautious, wary, calculating, chary Analogous words: *careful, punctilious, punctual, meticulous, scrupulous: vigilant, *watchful, alert Antonyms: audacious Contrasted words: venturesome, rash, reckless, daring, daredevil, foolhardy,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • circumspect — [adj] cautious, discreet attentive, cagey, calculating, canny, careful, chary, considerate, deliberate, discriminating, gingerly, guarded, heedful, judicious, meticulous, observant, politic, prudent, punctilious, safe, sagacious, sage, scrupulous …   New thesaurus

  • circumspect — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ cautious or prudent. DERIVATIVES circumspection noun circumspectly adverb. ORIGIN Latin circumspectus, from circumspicere look around …   English terms dictionary

  • circumspect — [sʉr′kəm spekt΄] adj. [ME < L circumspectus, pp. of circumspicere, to look about: see CIRCUM & SPY] careful to consider all related circumstances before acting, judging, or deciding; cautious; careful SYN. CAREFUL circumspection n.… …   English World dictionary

  • circumspect — cir|cum|spect [ sɜrkəm,spekt ] adjective thinking carefully about something before you say or do it: CAUTIOUS: circumspect about: Officials were very circumspect about possible causes of the accident. a circumspect response ╾ cir|cum|spec|tion [ …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • circumspect — [[t]sɜ͟ː(r)kəmspekt[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you are circumspect, you are cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks. [FORMAL] The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings... You seem to be implying, in your usual… …   English dictionary

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