

Tunkin, Tonkin.


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  • Tunkin — (Dongkingh, Nord Annam), 1) Provinz des hinterindischen Reiches Annam, nördlich hier gelegen, an China u. das Chinesische Meer (Busen von T.) grenzend, angeblich 3300 QM. u. 20 Mill. Ew.; Fluß Sangkoi, fruchtbarer Boden, wenig Industrie, guter… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Tunkin — Recorded as Tankin, Tenkin, Tonkin, Tunkin, Tunking, Tunkings, Tunkis, and possibly others, this is a rare English diminutive surname. It is derived from the Roman personal name Antonius , of which the anglicised form is Antony or Anthony and the …   Surnames reference

  • Tunkin, Grigory Ivanovich — ▪ 1994       , Soviet diplomat and legal scholar (b. Oct. 13 [Sept. 30, old style], 1906, Chamovo, Russia d. Aug. 23, 1993, Moscow, Russia), played a major role in the formation of Soviet foreign policy in the post Stalin era, especially Nikita… …   Universalium

  • Tunkin — Alte Karte Tonkins aus Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885 90) Als Tonkin, auch Tongking, vietnamesisch Bắc Bộ (Nordgrenze), wird der nördlichste Teil von Vietnam bezeichnet. Đông Kinh (östliche Hauptstadt) war in der Hậu Lê Dynastie um 1430 die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grigory Tunkin — Grigory Ivanovich Tunkin ( ru. Григорий Иванович Тункин) (oldStyleDate|13|October|1906|30|September 1993) was a Soviet jurist, diplomat, Corresponding Member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1974), and a Meritorious Scientist of the RSFSR… …   Wikipedia

  • Blow Up — is a club night that was founded in the early 1990s by promoter and DJ Paul Tunkin at a North London pub called The Laurel Tree . The night quickly became the centre of the emerging Britpop scene in Camden attracting long queues of people eager… …   Wikipedia

  • Rankilor — is the family name of a British family whose origins were initially Scottish. It is thought that thay are a family in the Royal Bruce Clan, and are descendants of the one time King of Scotland, Robert The Bruce. Before that, they would therefore… …   Wikipedia

  • Tankin — Recorded as Tankin, Tenkin, Tonkin, Tunkin, Tunking, Tunkings, Tunkis, and possibly others, this is a rare English diminutive surname. It is derived from the Roman personal name Antonius , of which the anglicised form is Antony or Anthony and the …   Surnames reference

  • Tonkin — Recorded as Tankin, Tenkin, Tonkin, Tunkin, Tunking, Tunkings, Tunkis, and possibly others, this is a rare English diminutive surname. It is derived from the Roman personal name Antonius , of which the anglicised form is Antony or Anthony and the …   Surnames reference

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