

Talfourd (Tahlförrd), Sir Thomas Noon, geb. 1795 zu Reading, 1821 Advokat, seit 1834 mehrmals Mitglied des Unterhauses, 1849 Richter am Court of Common Pleas, gest. 1854, lyrischer und dramatischer Dichter.


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  • TALFOURD, SIR THOMAS NOON —    lawyer and dramatist, born at Doxey, near Stafford; was called to the bar in 1821, and practised with notable success, becoming in 1849 a justice of Common Pleas and a knight; was for some years a member of Parliament; author of four tragedies …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon — (1795 1854)    Poet and biographer, s. of a brewer at Reading, where he was b., and which he represented in Parliament, 1835 41, was ed. at Mill Hill School. He studied law, was called to the Bar in 1821, and became a Judge in 1849. He d.… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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