

Ramadan, Ramasan, der 9. Monat des mohammedan. Jahres, in welchen die großen Fasten fallen.


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  • ramadán — (Del ár. hisp. ramaḍán, y este del ár. clás. ramaḍān). m. Noveno mes del año lunar de los mahometanos, quienes durante sus 30 días observan riguroso ayuno …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • ramadan — ou ramazan (ra ma dan ou ra mazan) s. m. Neuvième mois de l année arabe, que les musulmans consacrent au jeûne. •   A t il du ramazan rompu le jeûne austère ?, V. HUGO Orientales, 7. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Arabe, ramadan, mois de la grande chaleur, de… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Ramadan — ninth month of the Muslim year, 1590s, from Arabic Ramadan (Turk. and Pers. ramazan), originally the hot month, from ramida be burnt, scorched (Cf. Heb. remetz hot ashes, embers ). Due to the Islamic lunar calendar, it passes through all seasons… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ramadan — [ram΄ə dän′, räm΄ə dän′] n. [Ar ramaḍān, lit., the hot month < ramaḍ, state of being parched] 1. the ninth month of the Muslim year, a period of daily fasting from sunrise to sunset 2. the fasting in this period …   English World dictionary

  • Ramadan — Ram a*dan (r[a^]m [.a]*d[a^]n ), n. [Ar. rama[dsdot][=a]n, or ramaz[=a]n, properly, the hot month.] [Written also {Ramadhan}, {Ramadzan}, and {Rhamadan}.] 1. The ninth Mohammedan month. [1913 Webster] 2. The great annual fast of the Mohammedans,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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