- Planuria
Planuria, griech., Harnabgang auf unnatürlichem Wege.
Planuria, griech., Harnabgang auf unnatürlichem Wege.
planuria — /plan ūˈri ə/ noun The discharge of urine through an abnormal passage (also planˈury) ORIGIN: Gr planos wandering, and ouron urine … Useful english dictionary
planuria — 1. Extravasation of urine. 2. The voiding of urine from an abnormal opening. [G. planos, wandering, + ouron, urine] * * * pla·nu·ria (pla nuґre ə) [Gr. planasthai to wander + uria] the discharge of urine from an abnormal site … Medical dictionary
planúria — pla|nú|ri|a Mot Esdrúixol Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
-uria — comb. form forming nouns denoting that a substance is (esp. excessively) present in the urine. Etymology: mod.L f. Gk ouria (as URINE) * * * ˈ(y)u̇rēə, ˈ(y)ür noun combining form ( s) Etymology: New Latin … Useful english dictionary
plan- — I. combining form or plano Etymology: probably from New Latin, from Greek, wandering, from planos; akin to Greek planasthai to wander more at planet : moving about : motile … Useful english dictionary