Meleager [1]

Meleager [1]

Meleager, myth. Sohn des Königs Oeneus von Kalydon und der Althäa, erlegte den kalydon. Eber, erschlug aber die 3 Brüder seiner Mutter, worauf diese in Folge eines Orakelspruches ein Scheit in das Feuer warf, u. wie dasselbe verzehrt wurde, so schwand auch M.s Leben.

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  • Meleager — et Atalanta, after Giulio Romano. Topics in Greek mythology Gods Primordial gods and Titans …   Wikipedia

  • Meleáger — MELEÁGER, gri, Gr. Μελέαγρος, ου, (⇒ Tab. XXVI.) 1 §. Aeltern und Geburt. Insgemein wird er für einen Sohn des Oeneus, Königs zu Kalydon, und der Althäa angegeben: doch wollen auch einige, Mars selbst habe in eben der Nacht, als Oeneus, mit der… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Meleager — Meleager, 1) so v.w. Meleagros; 2) so v.w. Breughel 6) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Meleager [2] — Meleager, griech. Epigrammendichter aus dem letzten Jahrh. v. Chr.; verlorne Sammlung von Epigrammen; M.s eigene gab Gräfe 1811 heraus …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Meleager — [mel΄ē ā′jər] n. [L < Gr Meleagros] Gr. Myth. the son of the queen of Calydon and slayer of the Calydonian boar: he is sometimes also listed as one of the Argonauts …   English World dictionary

  • Meleager — /mel ee ay jeuhr/, n. 1. fl. 1st century B.C., Greek epigrammatist. 2. Class. Myth. the heroic son of Althaea, an Argonaut, and the slayer of the Calydonian boar. Cf. Calydonian hunt. Also, Meleagros /mel ee ag ros/. * * * ▪ Greek mythology  in… …   Universalium

  • MELEAGER — I. MELEAGER Macedoniae Rex, post fratrem Ptolemaeum Ceraunum, an. 474. Urb. Cond. victus a Gallis, et occisus, ut et Antipater nepos Cassandri ex fratre, qui illum excepit. Post quos Macedones Sosthenem Regem creârunt. Pausan. in Phoc. Iustin. l …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Meleager — /mɛliˈeɪgə/ (say melee ayguh) noun Greek Legend the heroic son of Althaea. He was an Argonaut, and the slayer of the Calydonian boar. It had been prophesied to his mother that as long as a certain brand remained unburnt Meleager would live; after …  

  • Meleager of Gadara — (Greek: Μελέαγρος; 1st century BCE) was a poet and collector of epigrams. He wrote some satirical prose, now lost, and he wrote some sensual poetry, of which, 134 epigrams survive. He also compiled numerous epigrams from diverse poets in an… …   Wikipedia

  • Meleager (general) — Meleager (Greek: Mελεαγρος Meleagros; died 323 BC) was a Macedonian officer of distinction in the service of Alexander the Great. Meleager, son of Neoptolemus, is first mentioned in the war against the Getae (335 BC). At the Granicus in the… …   Wikipedia

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