- Hallelujah
Hallelujah, hebr., lobet den Herrn!
Hallelujah, hebr., lobet den Herrn!
Hallelujah — Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word ] In the Hebrew Bible hallelujah is actually a two word phrase, not one word. The first part, hallelu, is the second person imperative masculine plural form of the… … Wikipedia
Hallelujah — Hallelujah: Hallelujah песня Леонарда Коэна из альбома Various Positions. Hallelujah песня Гали Атари и группы Milk and Honey, выигравшая конкурс песни Евровидение 1979. Hallelujah песня группы Paramore из альбома Riot!.… … Википедия
HALLELUJAH — (Heb. הַלְלוּיָהּ), liturgical expression occurring 23 times, exclusively in the Book of Psalms. Apart from 135:3, it invariably appears as either the opening (106, 111–3, 135, 146–50) or closing word of a psalm (104–6, 113, 115–7, 135, 146–50)… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hallelujah — Drame musical de King Vidor, avec Daniel L. Haynes (Zeke), Everett McGarrity (Spunk), Harry Gray (le père), Nina Mae McKinney (Chick), William Fountaine (Hot Shot), Harry Gray (le pasteur), Fannie Belle De Knight (Mamy), Victoria Spivey (Missy … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
hallelujah — (also alleluia) ► EXCLAMATION ▪ God be praised. ► NOUN ▪ an utterance of the word ‘hallelujah’. ORIGIN Hebrew, praise ye the Lord … English terms dictionary
hallelujah — Interj ein freudiger Ausruf std. (14. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus kirchen l. hallelūiā, dieses aus hebr. halalūjāh, halalū jāh, wörtlich preiset Jahwe . Ebenso nndl. halleluja, ne. halleluja, nfrz. alléluia, nschw. halleluja, nnorw.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
hallelujah — also halleluiah, 1530s, from Hebrew hallalu yah praise ye Jehovah, from hallalu, plural imperative of hallel to praise also song of praise, from hillel he praised, of imitative origin, with primary sense being to trill. Second element is yah,… … Etymology dictionary
hallelujah — or halleluiah [hal΄ə lo͞o′yə] interj. [LL(Ec) alleluja < Gr(Ec) hallēlouia < Heb < hallelū, praise (imper.) + yāh, JEHOVAH] used to express praise, thanks, or joy, esp. to God as in a hymn or prayer n. an exclamation, hymn, or song of… … English World dictionary
hallelujah — 1. interjection /ˌhælɪˈluːjə/ a) An exclamation used in songs of praise or thanksgiving to God. Hallelujah! It’s finally the weekend! b) A general expression of gratitude or adoration. 2. noun /ˌhælɪˈluːjə/ a) A shout of “Hallelujah” … Wiktionary
hallelujah — [[t]hæ̱lɪlu͟ːjə[/t]] also alleluia 1) EXCLAM Hallelujah is used in religious songs and worship as an exclamation of praise and thanks to God. 2) EXCLAM People sometimes say Hallelujah! when they are pleased that something they have been waiting a … English dictionary