1'Che'Guevara: The Economics of Revolution , Yaffe Helen (2009)
This book presents a unique exploration of the impact of Che Guevara as economist and politician, providing a comprehensive exploration of a little-discussed, but central, aspect of Guevara's life… 4402 руб2Che storia! , Pallotti G. (2012)
La storia italiana raccontata in modo semplice e chiaro. Semplicit&# 224; senza banalit&# 224;, per capire come si viveva in diverse epoche, chi comandava, perch&# 233; si combatteva. Pochi nomi… 1726 руб3Che la festa cominci , Ammaniti N.
Nel cuore di Roma, il palazzinaro Sas&# 224; Chiatti organizza nella sua nuova residenza di Villa Ada una festa che dovr&# 224; essere ricordata come il pi&# 249; grande evento mondano nella storia… 1697 руб4Che: Graphic Biography , Rodriguez Spain (2017)
Since his murder 50 years ago in Bolivia, Ernesto "Che" Guevara has become a universally known revolutionary icon and political figure whose image is among the most recognizable in the world. This… 1072 руб5Che Guevara. Tu y TODOS , Zambelli Daniele (2018)
Fifty years after Ernesto Guevara's death, Che Guevara tu y Todos (the title tu y Todos, is taken from a poem written for his wife before leaving for Bolivia) aims to redeem his figure from the… 2941 руб6Che Guevara , Триша Зифф (2006)
The photograph of Ernesto&# 039;Che&# 039; Guevara by Alberto Korda, taken on 5 March 1960, is thought to be the most reproduced image in the history of photography. It has become an icon… 819 грн (только Украина)7Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts. From Structure to Surface Reactivity , Che Michel
This two-volume book provides an overview of physical techniques used to characterize the structure of solid materials, on the one hand, and to investigate the reactivity of their surface, on the… 38555.42 руб электронная книга8Bioprocessing for Cell-Based Therapies , Che Connon J.
With contributions from leading, international academics and industrial practitioners, Bioprocessing for Cell-Based Therapies explores the very latest techniques and guidelines in bioprocess… 13123.89 руб электронная книга9Viva piu che mai , Vitali A. (2016)
Dubbio&# 232; il soprannome che hanno dato a Ernesto Livera, e si addice bene alla sua indole un po'tentennante. Di solito, infatti, l'Ernesto si lascia prendere dall'indecisione. Una certezza, per&#… 2574 руб10Cio che inferno non e , D'Avenia Alessandro (2016)
Federico ha diciassette anni e il cuore pieno di domande alle quali la vita non ha ancora risposto. La scuola&# 232; finita, l'estate gli si apre davanti come la sua citt&# 224; abbagliante e… 1706 руб