1Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems , Ali Keyhani
A practical, application-oriented text that presents analytical results for the better modeling and control of power converters in the integration of green energy in electric power systems The… 9884.31 руб электронная книга2Integration of Renewable Sources of Energy , Felix Farret A.
The latest tools and techniques for addressing the challenges of 21st century power generation, renewable sources and distribution systems Renewable energy technologies and systems are advancing by… 10038.89 руб электронная книга3Integration of Distributed Generation in the Power System , Bollen Math H.
The integration of new sources of energy like wind power, solar-power, small-scale generation, or combined heat and power in the power grid is something that impacts a lot of stakeholders: network… 12175.39 руб электронная книга4Integration Spezial B1 (+ Audio CD) , Baake Heike (2012)
Aussichten ist das neue Lehrwerk f&# 252;r Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Es wendet sich an erwachsene Lerner ohne Vorkenntnisse und deckt die Niveaustufen A1 bis B1 ab. Das Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD und… 513 руб5Integration Spezial B1 (+ Audio CD) , Baake Heike (2012)
Aussichten ist das neue Lehrwerk f&252;r Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Es wendet sich an erwachsene Lerner ohne Vorkenntnisse und deckt die Niveaustufen A1 bis B1 ab. Das Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD und DVD… 757 грн (только Украина)6Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films. Concepts and Applications for Microsystems , Emmanuel Defaÿ
This book contains four parts. The first one is dedicated to concepts. It starts with the definitions and examples of what is piezo-pyro and ferroelectricity by considering the symmetry of the… 17872.85 руб электронная книга7Integration of Demand Response into the Electricity Chain. Challenges, Opportunities, and Smart Grid Solutions , Arturo Losi
The concept of Demand Response (DR) generally concerns methodologies, technologies and commercial arrangements that could allow active participation of consumers in the power system operation. The… 10424.97 руб электронная книга8Mergers&Acquisitions Integration Handbook. Helping Companies Realize The Full Value of Acquisitions , Scott Whitaker C.
Proven strategies and tactics to manage the integration of acquired and/or merged companies Mergers&Acquisitions Integration Handbook is a comprehensive resource to help companies create a scalable… 6178.75 руб электронная книга9The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions. Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level , Timothy Galpin J.
Ease the M&A process with a more effective integration plan The Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions is the ultimate handbook for planning and managing post-merger integration. Packed full… 5019.08 руб электронная книга10Aircraft Systems Integration of Air-Launched Weapons , Keith Rigby A.
From the earliest days of aviation where the pilot would drop simple bombs by hand, to the highly agile, stealthy aircraft of today that can deliver smart ordnance with extreme accuracy, engineers… 11316.87 руб электронная книга