

Parrhasius, griech. Maler aus Ephesus, um 400 v. Chr., Nebenbuhler des Zeuxis; das Alterthum lobte seine Grazie und Leichtigkeit der Zeichnung.

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  • Parrhasius — Parrhasĭus, griech. Maler, aus Ephesus, um 400 380 v. Chr., neben Zeuxis Vertreter der ionischen Schule …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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  • PARRHASIUS —    a gifted painter of ancient Greece, born at Ephesus; came to Athens and became the rival of Zeuxis; he was the contemporary of Socrates and a man of an arrogant temper; his works were characterised by the pains bestowed on them …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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